Here, you will find links to preparation materials, support documents, and commonly asked questions.
Information Meetings
ARAE holds information meetings prior to each examination cycle to help candidates prepare effectively and understand the process. These sessions cover important topics like documentation requirements, assessment guidelines, and key deadlines.
Upcoming Meetings:
See News Section for upcoming information meetings.
Meeting Content:
Each session includes an overview of examination stages, Q&A opportunities, and specific preparation tips.
Mailing List
Stay updated with the latest ARAE news and updates by joining our mailing list.
Registered Candidates receive regular ARAE e-Bulletins with reminders, and key information about application periods, examination schedules, and more.
How to Join:
Preparation Materials
We provide resources and materials to help candidates prepare thoroughly for each stage of the examination:
Past Exam Papers:
Registered Applicants are given links to access past papers for each examination subject.
Reading Lists:
Essential readings for each stage are provided.
Guidance for Design Project and Oral Examinations:
Specific preparation sessions are available for the Design Project and Oral Examinations, helping you build confidence and practice in advance.
Visit the Forms Portal for downloadable forms and templates required throughout the process.
Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section provides answers to common questions about the ARAE examination, eligibility, and registration requirements.
Topics Covered:
- Overview of the Register for Architects
- Eligibility and experience requirements
- Registration process and application guidelines
- Policies on repeating assessments and appeal options
For quick answers, visit our FAQ page.